Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach for Future

3 min readAug 25, 2023


Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been a subject of debate for many years. Many experts have been predicting its ability to shape and revolutionize our future and everyday life.

Indeed, artificial intelligence is changing the future of nearly every sector. It is also the driving source behind emerging technologies such as Robotics and a generative tool such as ChatGpt. In 2022, global investment in artificial intelligence reached the figure of 92 billion U.S. dollars.

“Our intelligence is what makes us human, and AI is an extension of that quality. Artificial intelligence is extending what we can do with our abilities. In this way it is letting us become more human” — Yann LeCun ( French computer scientist)

AI will continue to change the world, but how does it will impact human life? This article will elaborate on how and where AI will make changes.

Improved Decision Making

One of the major impacts of AI is that it enhances decision-making. AI algorithms improve those patterns that humans may have missed. They identify a vast amount of data and identify ways that make human life much easier.

  1. Healthcare

AI identifies disease by analyzing the disease patterns in healthcare and recommends treatments accordingly.

A survey conducted in 2021 showed that 88 per cent of healthcare organizations in the mature stage of AI adoption stated that clinicians were the intended users of their AI technologies.

2. Finance

AI in finance attracted attention for many years. It refers to the algorithm and application of AI techniques in finance.

AI algorithm assesses the market trends, risks, and investment opportunities that benefit finance management.

3. Manufacturing

New and modern processes of AI algorithms are being used in different industries. Manufacturing is one of them. It is supported by worldwide powerful computing networks.

In today’s era, we are witnesses to artificial intelligence taking all over the different aspects of industries. AI-powered robots can inspect production data to optimize processes with minimum waste.

Increased Efficiency and Productivity

AI-powered tools can make a significant impact when it comes to working with 100% efficiency and productivity.

Artificial intelligence tools help by automating random and mundane tasks such as data entry and report generation. This makes humans focus more on tasks that are complex and require critical thinking.

Personalized Experiences

AI is excelling in creating personalized experiences for users. AI-powered tools can collect vast amounts of customer data. Assemble data from their browsing history and social media interaction.

This information gathered from different sources will be used to learn the specific customer’s needs. AI algorithms can recommend shows, movies, and music based on the user’s preferences for the person.


AI is changing the world and shaping the future in a very remarkable way. And it is essential to consider both the benefits and challenges that surround AI. The growing tech world has made sure that the future looks bright for the user of AI. It has already made a lot of mundane tasks easy, from decision-making to personal preferences.

Despite the challenges and concerns surrounding the rise of artificial intelligence. It will create ample opportunities job opportunities and contribute to economic growth.

I hope this article was helpful regarding the basic knowledge of artificial intelligence.

