Cat Training and Behaviour: How to Train your cat?

3 min readOct 12, 2023


Welcoming a cat as a pet in your house is a wonderful experience. Besides all the cuteness and the fun times, cats are often known to be aggressive. We often think that cats are untrainable but that’s far from the truth. Cats learn all the time from their interaction with us.

To avoid problematic behavior from your cats, you need to train your cats accordingly. Cat training is not a hectic task but it does require patience and time. In 2021, only in Japan, the number of cats adopted by new pet owners was estimated to be 489 thousand.

With adoption comes the duty to train your cats, so in this blog, you will get to know about cat training.

Training a cat to use a litter box

Most of the pet cats are already trained before you adopt them, but some of them need training. Cat training is essential for you and your family members. There might be a few problems with the litter box you have for them.

These problems may stem from where you are placing their little box. Your cat may not be fond of that place, or maybe they find the litter box dirty. Cats are known to be clean animals so you need to make sure that the litter is clean and full accordingly.

Staying Off Counter Tops

Cats love to cause a ruckus and jump off counters. Jumping countertops is considered problematic and might cause damage. During cat training, you can do it out of something on the sides of the counter such as double-sided tape.

This will discourage them from jumping up there. If they’re still jumping on the counter calmly and gently put them on the ground. If they proceed to proceed to this command treat them.

How to harness train a cat

Every cat is different, while some cats might open to the idea of harness, while other cats have different personalities. This might seem like an impossible feat but it is not. All you need to do is show some love and affection to your cat.

Walking your cat on a leash and harness is an opportunity for them to get familiar with the outside world. Cats need stimulation and safety taking them for walks is a great way for cats and their environment.

Yowling and Meowing for Food

Cats start yowling when it is their food time. The only way to stop their incessant meowing is to ignore their behavior. This way they will learn that there is no reward for this.

Try making them sit while you’re preparing their food to make them understand only good behavior will get them a reward.


Cats are no doubt considered superior animals when it comes to pets, but they are indeed a fun companion. Before adopting a cat, it is important to know that handling it holds equal responsibility to handling a human child.

Get a consultation from a cat owner on cat training tips and prepare yourself to welcome them as the youngest member of your family. This blog contains some useful cat training tips, Do share how it helps you in understanding the behavior of your cat.

