Mental Health: A Guide to Improvement

3 min readAug 17, 2023


Did you know that mental health is still a very controversial topic in third-world countries? Here’s an interesting fact: Mental health has been a taboo in our society for a long time now, and people don’t prefer shedding light on this topic. As the world advanced, mental well-being gained equal status to physical health, thanks to the provers “a healthy body equals a healthy mind”

People with mental illness are much more likely to experience poor physical health as compared to the general population. It is crucial to focus on mental for a healthy body and life. If you are looking for a guide to a sound mind, you have come to the right place. This article contains some tips and tricks to improve your overall health.

Impact of Diet on Mental Health

A balanced and nutritious diet keeps your mind and body intact. Let’s talk about processed/junk food for a second. These not only contain excessive sugar products but upsets the organs which impacts brain functioning and increases stress levels.

Remember what you feed your body has an impact on your mind. You need to be cautious in your diet. Make sure whatever you consume is healthy and rich in nutrients.

Impact of Good Company on Mental Health

Did you know that the company you surround yourself with has a deep impact on your mind? Having strong and positive relationships helps you connect with reality and have a better outlook on life. If you are surrounded by people; who are kind, accommodating, and generally have good vibes around them will automatically bring you comfort and ease.

Besides, family and friends try to connect with those who are actively involved in charity and volunteer work. Being kind to people who are strangers is one of the ways to have inner satisfaction. It allows you to be at peace mentally and content physically.

Impact of Physical Activities on Mental Health

Physical and mental health are interdependent. Your mental health matters as much as your physical health, so you should be partaking in activities that will improve your health. Such as exercising regularly reduces stress and mood swings, and it contributes to improvements in symptoms, including mood, alertness, concentration, sleep patterns, and psychotic symptoms.

Getting enough sleep is very important. If you do not have a proper sleep schedule, it will mess you up in the long run in a way that you will be easily agitated and angry. Sleep affects your mood and will eventually make you depressed. Quantity and quality of sleep play an essential role in mental & physical health. Developing a good bedtime routine will keep you happy and healthy.

Impact of Social Media on Mental Health

Social media has proven to be a bad influence on mental health. There are thousands of topics online that could trigger individuals differently; remember everyone has a different level of coping with different incidents. Some might be easy and carefree about it, and some might take it to the point that it affects their mental health.

It is important to detox yourself from social once in a while by taking breaks when you feel it is becoming overbearing. Social media affects one’s happiness and self-esteem and they start comparing themselves with others on different social sites.


Mental health is just as important as physical health if not more. It requires attention and delicacy to have a sound mind; remember a sound mind is soul food. So if you are experiencing deteriorating health, look for signs and symptoms. shift from a stressed and constrained environment to a healthy, relaxing one.

Owning to the norms, many people suffering from mental issues feel embarrassed to consult a professional or a friend, This not only hinders their mental well-being but restrains the improvement of their physical health. So if you know someone suffering from mental issues, help them prioritize their life and encourage them to seek help.

Remember there is nothing to be embarrassed about while talking about your mental health, I hope you will find this article helpful.

